The Mayflower
✦ The Mayflower is located at 9-11 West Main Street in Troy.
✦ This historic 1928 8,800 square foot Vaudeville theater was purchased in 2022. It has been restored and converted into an entertainment space and cocktail lounge.
✦ This project led to the creation of Village Vantage. It is one of a kind – there is not another like it out there.
Rural Desk & The Gates Group
✦ Located 111-103 North Miami Street in West Milton
✦ Two great spaces right on the corner of 571 and 48 in lovely West Milton. This has been a great opportunity to restore and make good use of two buildings that have been sitting vacant for 10+ years. Rural Desk, an in-house brand, will occupy 103. 111 will be housed by The Gates Group.
The Rails of Versailles
✦ Located at 39 East Main Street in Versailles.
✦ This project has been a learning experience for the Village Vantage team. While The Mayflower was the first project, this is the first project that has been managed entirely and exclusively in house. You don’t realize how hard something is, until you are forced to do it.. but we wouldn’t have it any other way!
The Old Floor Store
✦ Located 4-10 East Main Street in Versailles, also known as the Richard building.
✦ This building is one for the ages. The final result of this space will be impactful beyond measure. The shear presence the space has on downtown is something we have never seen before.
✦ Our journey to this building was one of relationship building and human connection. The exiting ownership group is built of the best type of people: people you want to work with and see a project through with. We are blessed to be apart of it and what it becomes!